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Addressing Menopausal Symptoms in Primary Care with Newer Treatment Options


HMP Education would appreciate your feedback on the quality and impact of this activity.

Please answer the following questions, some of which include a 5-point Likert scale (5 = strongly agree/excellent/great deal; 1 = strongly disagree/poor/very little).

To what extent are you able to better achieve each of the following learning objectives?

Describe the burden, impact, and suboptimal management of menopause and its associated symptoms
Assess the mechanisms, safety, and efficacy of FDA-approved and non FDA-approved hormonal and non-hormonal therapeutic interventions for menopausal symptoms
Implement newer FDA-approved options into routine care for the optimal treatment of patients experiencing menopausal symptoms

Please rate the faculty on their knowledge, expertise, and teaching ability (5= excellent, 3 = good, 1 = poor).

Jeffrey Levine, MD, MPH

Please rate the following components relating to this activity:

Relevance to your practice 
Educational format 
Audience-participation portions (eg., Q&A, polling, pre/post-testing) 
Resources and/or other materials supporting the activity

Therapeutic recommendations presented in this activity did not encourage inappropriate or excessive use of products/devices.

How many patients with menopausal symptoms do you see during a typical month?

Do you feel like there were any new data presented?

Did you learn anything new?

Did you gain confidence on the new information?

Did this program include opportunities to learn as a part of a healthcare team?

Which of the following statements regarding the impact of menopause is TRUE?

Larissa, your 57-year-old female patient, is experiencing severe vasomotor symptoms (VMS). Menses stopped 15 months ago, and she has an intact uterus. She has no depressive symptoms, and no history of breast cancer, CAD, VTE, liver or kidney disease. She is taking allopurinol, a CYP1A2 inhibitor, to prevent recurrence of gout. Which of the following options would you prescribe, based on the NAMS guidelines?

Which of the following approved agents blocks the neurokinin-3 receptors that play a role in regulating temperature?

Severe VMS are associated with increased risks for which of the following?

Please rate your ability to implement newer FDA-approved options in to routine care for the management of symptoms related to menopause.

Do you intend to make any additional changes to your practice as a result of information gained from this activity? Please be specific.

What challenges or barriers outside of your control may prevent you from changing your practice?
255 characters max

The information presented in this activity did not serve to advance a proprietary interest of any commercial entity.

Based on my participation in this activity, I anticipate I will more often (select all that apply):